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We offer you an experience where you or your friends can drive at your dream car. You can choose between the Lamborghini or Ferrari. For those who do not want to choose? Run both! Gift for yourself or as corporate events. Buy your experience gift now. A memory for life!
GR8 Experience was founded in 2005 and is Europe’s largest supplier of Ferrari and Lamborghini experience. We have late start delivered over 47,000 experiences in the world’s most talked about sports cars. Our instructors have extensive experience in sports cars and we make sure to always deliver an unforgettable driving experiences to 100%.
GR8 Experience was the first in northern Europe to offer a test drive of Ferrari and Lamborghini as experience! GR8 Experience is “original” and we have since inception been 100% injury-free - which is the best rating on safety, quality and most importantly - a memorable and unforgettable experience!
What we offer through gift cards, corporate gifts and events is a personal and unique experience that provides a memory for life. Motor Event is a growing market, and in 2008 was elected sensations of the Year Gift.
We organize everything from company-specific motor events, corporate gifts and driving experiences through gift cards. GR8 Experience is the largest in Europe and driving experiences.